on sunday after church i was sitting with anna on the couch while she crawled around exploring every pillow and couch cushion. she started veering dangerously close to the edge and started to slide off when i lunged at her to prevent her from falling. i pushed off hard with my left leg in order to grab her and as i did so both heard and felt a POP!!! in my knee. (she still fell off the couch, and there we both were, laying on the floor crying).
for a short time (like 15 minutes) i was hopeful that i had just loosened up some scar tissue in my knee, but then i couldn't walk and still two days later it's still sore and i'm still limping. knowing that i was probably being too optimistic, my father-in-law called a knee doctor friend of his in vail and he and i chatted about what happened and my surgical history. i told him i'd like to get in to see dr. rosenberg in park city since the last guy who operated on my knee told me to he didn't ever want to see me again because he wasn't totally sure how he would help me if i busted up my knee anew. dr. feagin (quent's friend) told me that was a good choice because rosenberg is "the best" and they knew each other and he would put a call in to him the next morning.
so i called dr. rosenberg's office the next morning and the nurse said, "we just heard about you!" and then happily informed me they could get me in on august 12th. as in the august 12th that is two months from now. apparently he is taking vacation for three weeks and then has a month of surgeries and existing patients to see when he gets back, so i replied, "ooookaaaayyyyyyy?" and proceed to have a momentary dilemna. on one hand, i don't want to have to stress out every time i make a move that my knee is going to give out for the next eight weeks, and on the other, this might be my last shot at having a knee that actually works. and then i figured, if he's good enough for tiger woods he's good enough for me, so to make a long story short, i have an appointment on august 12th that i will not miss come hell or high water and at that time will let you know what surgical horror awaits me.
the end.
Don't worry if you happen to miss your appointment. I'm sure they can get you back in by Thanksgiving.
ha! i have written that appointment down EVERYWHERE. in all of my calendars, on the fridge, etc. watch, i will totally space it.
That really stinks, Noelle. It's especially bad that you have to wait so long to see the doctor. Hope he's worth the wait.
I have a friend here in St. George who has seen the same doctor and he swears by him. He has had quite a few surgeries and won't see any one else. Good Luck!
That is AWFUL. I hope your knee feels at least sort of okay for the next TWO months. No more lunging for babies! (they certainly heal faster:)
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