Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Little Lily Ann Emmett

Here she is! A day late but we'll keep her! We got to the hospital about 4:30 Monday evening with regular contractions and Beth was dilated to a 7.5. She got the epidural about 5:30, the Dr. broke her water a few minutes later and a few minutes after that it was time to start pushing. At 6:05 Lily popped out, looking dazed and confused but plump and healthy.

She was 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches long. After a couple hours we took her to the nursery where she started having respiratory problems. First she had the space helmet pumping oxygen and later an Orthodontist type head gear with tubes in her nose. Unfortunately we haven't gotten to hold her since then but the Dr. took her off the contraptions this morning and she is doing excellent without them. Beth should get to feed her soon and it chances are good she can come home with us.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! As always you can check out Emmettdoggies a little later for too many pictures and too many words.


Marci said...

...By the way, she is sooooo cute- I can't stand it! I hope to get to hold her soon. We went last night and all we got to do was peek through the window!!

noelle said...

oh she is so cute. definitely some attractive additions to the mceuen/miller clan this week! i can't wait to see her in real life!

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

congratulations! she is beautiful! glad she's ok.