Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So, when are we moving to a compound?


The Martz Guppies said...

Good One Chelse!

noelle said...

it will never happen because grandpa can't even take all of us at christmas anymore.

Ruben M Garnica said...

I guess this years humble pie doesn't so taste good?

Scott said...

yes....ignorant posts always welocme.

Scott said...

oops....welcome that was...sorry...must have mis-translated from my polish dictionary.

Chelsea said...

well a compound would involve more than one structure, we would all have our own house, and we'd probably have to get Grandpa an office that he could drive back and forth to.

Ruben M Garnica said...

Oh Scott, it's so easy (and fun) to push your buttons. So lets continue!

Polish dictionary? You don't expect us to believe you are a computer wizard enough to change the language of your dictionary do you? And do you know which country speaks Polish? Maybe you and Sarah Palin should have a team meeting to discuss it. Here is a hint: it's not next to the country of Africa and you can't see it from Alaska!

But you are good with computers. I bet you could have been McCain's "Technology Advisor". You could have helped the poor old guy read emails, post pictures to his family, and read the news online.

I do feel bad about what happened to McCain though. I like him and thought he would have made a good President. But I guess when you associated with the wrong type of people bad things happen. He, for example, associated with Republicans and, therefore, got thrown under the Dubya bus.

As for my comments being "ignorant", that's just funny. They wouldn't sting so much if they were not poignant. Remember, I done been edumacated in Texas. That's where I learnt my swagger. I also learnt that Texan's don't like the "compound" types much. Y'all might pick a different state if you decide to go for that.

Anonymous said...

and Ruben says what? We'll pretend that you didn't just write that. So when are you moving back:)

Ruben M Garnica said...

Fair enough. The love is there though. We will hopefully be moving back sometime next summer, after Aga gets her Visa. We are looking to move back into the South Bay area near my mom and brother. We'll see though, things can change.