Monday, February 4, 2008

Jack says bring it on

Weekend storm dumps chest deep snow in the backyard? No problem, says Jack, I'll just eat my way out.
Snowbanks next the sidewalk make Jack look like he's about to get swallowed up in a double overhead wave.


noelle said...

does he really love to eat it? he's so cute it's crazy.

Anonymous said...

Soon, your house will be totally enveloped by snow!!! What a crazy winter! I hope no one is jealous, but today is supposed to be 72 and we're going to the beach*

johnEboy said...

He really does enjoy a mouthful of snow. It's pretty funny. Emily, that's just not cool.

Marci said...

The snow is incredible up here- is it the same for you in the valleys? In order to shovel the snow in our driveway- you have to be able to throw it up 6 feet to get it over the top of the snowbank. Morgan dug a cave for Porter in the bank right in front of the house- Porter thinks it's pretty cool!

Amber said...

I wish I was there to see it. It would be nice to have something other than a sunny, windy, cold day every once in a while. How is Beth feeling?