Monday, December 17, 2007

Jenn Hribar is Having a Boy...

And I got to go to her shower on Saturday. It was immeasurably fun, especially because Suzanne Merrill sat by me and did not stop talking until she had to leave. I especially enjoyed her stories about who she has been setting up and what it's like to drive when your head and your spine are fused together. Also, my sisters will appreciate that when we went around the room to say how we knew Jenn, Suzanne tried to tell a story about me and then encouraged me to tell the story even after I told her we should try to keep it focused on Jenn. All I will say about Suzanne is that every Sunday as I'm with the Laurels I feel completely inadequate because of her, and also, if she up and disappears one day it will be no surprise to anyone to find out she was translated.


Lori said...

sorry to be a story teller but I remember being in the backseat with Merillee and Mindy while Suzanne was in the front and we would chuck M&Ms into her hair and they would get caught in her web of massive hair and she would pick them out and eat them. You have GOT to love her.

noelle said...

i will have to add my favorite...she used to get pulled over for drunk driving all the time because she could not really keep that van in a straight line. one time she was driving on portugese bend and she got pulled over but she was in her nightgown (silky robey ones, no doubt) so she begged the officer not to make her get out and walk a straight line and when he insisted she yelled at him, "but i am a MORMON!!!"

Amber said...

Or how about the packet in her blouse/bra that she would pull out and ask you if you would like a warm gummy worm. That was great.

noelle said...

she did that to someone (maybe judy?) once when they were in the temple after they mentioned they were hungry. i would die.

noelle said...

I got the following email from Judy:
"In response to the gummy worm comment. . . It was actually Bonnie gave me a "warm" gummy worm that was down in her bra during the session in the LA temple. Truly a moment I will NEVER forget! The worst of the whole thing is that I immediately put it in my mouth. . . .yuck!!
Love you, Judy"

BRIAR said...

i found your blog!!!
please dont get me started on suzanne stories. we seriously need to have a ROAST and have her sit in the middle and we all get to tell our stories. (I seriously think i am going to do that!!!!)
anyways, we can't leave out the fact that Suzanne kept her wallet AND janitor-sized key set in her bra - that was CHAINED to her bra - and had no problem just whipping it out at the check out stand.

noelle said...

briar, so glad you found us! thanks for the reminder about the wallet bra - one time she gave me money out of it and i didn't know how to touch it.