Monday, January 28, 2008

senior citizen trip to snowmass

I received the following report on the Aspen trip by our senior members of the family. I didn't mean they are ALL senior citizens, although they are certainly getting closer :).

"hi, just to let you know how our (owner's trip) went. grandpa, grandma, ann, kathy, and rub. we drove on monday. tuesday went very well. wenesday was also a fun ski run. it is quite different when only four (4) people ski. not a lot of down time, only fun runs. thursdaay was the best day of skiing that i have ever had. all great runs, groomed and fast. the food line is also faster. thursday was not a good day. it snowed most of the night and the snow was clumped up. you could not tell that it had been groomed. then just before lunch some *#!king dirt bag snow boarder hit honey from behind and knocked her down. she had to be taken the the medical clinic by snowmobile, she did not want to ride the toboggan. she was x-rayed on her right shoulder. no breaks, lots of pain. her rotator is bruised or out of whack. i'll take her to our orthopedic surgeon here in st. george for more tests and will let you know what is going on. the patrol told me that if you are run into by anyone you should hold them until they can get there so they can make out a report. if you run into anyone you are liable for injuries that happen. this dirt bag was a foreigner and was not held. to make it worse she was a bi#&%. she is lucky that i did not see it happen, all of us were in front of kathy when it happened. you can condense this if you like.
later, rub"


Marci said...

I love this ski report! I've never heard one quite like it! How is Kathy's arm? Any improvement? No one mentioned the fact that the entire group were hacking up their lungs with this vicious cold that the entire extended family seems to have come down with- those who are in other states- be grateful!!

Chelsea said...

Andrew and I weren't spared! Honey went to the Dr yesterday, and he said what we've all had is the flu! Something about having chills, and body aches, apparently puking isn't required!

Amber said...

Yes, Chelsea and Andrew are banned from our house until they are over it...we don't want whatever illness you all have.

noelle said...

steve, anna and i escaped the ravaging sickness - we can't believe how lucky we are. i've been trying to call my mom since about 7:30 but all i get is a busy signal. technopeasant.