Monday, April 21, 2008

hello fun

Hello family. How is everyone? We are enjoying the nice weather and seem to be very busy these days. Elena has another month of preschool during which she and Ollie will take swim lessons- should be fun. When all of that is over we are off to Las Vegas, the river and then Utah. SOOO excited to see many of you! Any of you blog experts go to mine and let me know how to fix the obvious problem that I am having!! Love you.


Marci and Morgan said...

So did Elena get a new bike? Looks like fun- and totally coincidental- because we just took Porter to get a bike on Saturday. He loves it and thinks he is so grown up. Besides which- he finally got potty trained after the worst week of parenting was horrible. Then when I was finally ready to throw in the towel and admit to having the most stubborn, retarded child ever- he woke up the next day and hasn't had an accident since. 4 days.. and counting. We look forward to seeing you!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Porter!! I know EXACTLY how you feel (about feeling that you have the most retarded child ever). There is nothing more frustrating than attempting potty training. They work you over and then go: oh, I get it now!

Scott said... Ollie munching on his chinstrap? Your kids are looking all mobile, agile and hostile. Yes Marci had a long several days with her wild child...Porter. But she survived (and so did we).

Us5McEuens said...

Not to rub it in or anything but, Nick was the easiest child to potty train ever!!! One day I was changing his diaper and it wasn't baby poop anymore so i said ok it's time to use the bathroom and that was it. Other then the rare night time accidents (because he is just like his dad and totally out of it while sleeping). Once he did pee all over the bathroom wall & garbage can. And another time i found him in the office trying to open the filing cabinet & use it as the toilet. LOL!