Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Coyote Boy

Here is the coyote coat Papa made for Sparky. As you can see, it is embellished with feathers for the full Indian effect. Sparky wore it to school for show and tell and all of the other kids were reportedly jealous, at least the boys were anyway. Amber won't touch the thing - it hangs in the garage and if he wants to wear it Matt has to be home to take it down and put it on. Papa is now working on the racoon that was brutally murdered in Heber over Christmas but it is supposedly as stubborn dead as it was alive.


Marci said...

That thing is too cool!! haha! Congratulations Parker- and good work Papa!

noelle said...

that first picture of him makes me laugh every time i pull up the blog.

Bridget said...

I have only one word to say, EW!

Chelsea said...

He looks so fierce in that first picture

Ruben M Garnica said...
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Ruben M Garnica said...

Aga is really impressed and would love (for some strange reason) a Coyote purse! "No one here would have one" Girls!

Im with Bridget, EW!