Tuesday, January 2, 2007

First Family Post

I realize that most of our family, at least those older than 45, are what I affectionately call "technopeasants," but after spending the holidays at the Heber House and getting a preview of what is about to come, the family is getting too big, too many exciting things are happening, and there are too many things that we need to be sharing with each other that it does not make sense NOT to have a place where we can go online to keep track of it all. So, with that in mind, I have decided to start the Miller's Online Outpost so that we can all share news, photos, information about family stuff and updates in one central place.

Obviously, I am not the switchboard for family information (that would be Amber), so I will need everyone's input, emails and information in order to have things to post. For instance, Emily sends out these great emails periodically with updates and pictures of Ollie and Elena, and I will take those and post them to the blog so that we have a running log of them. This blog would have been the perfect place for the family reunion information, baby blessing plans or the Christmas schedule. It will also be the central place where you can find everyone's most current mailing address for baby announcements, invitations, etc. I hope everyone will help me out with it and make it a great resource for the family so we can stay as close as we always have been. All you have to do is email me what you want posted!

Love you all. Thanks for the wonderful holidays!

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