Monday, April 23, 2007

Amber Needs Help

Here's a note from Amber about a presentation she is making this weekend that she needs help with...

"I am presenting a workshop at our Stake Women's conference this weekend (lucky me) and I would like some input. The title that I was given is, "While wearing many hats, one must learn to juggle." So, I am speaking about priorities. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate them. My workshop has to be twenty minutes long and I get to teach it 5 times. There are supposed to be about 350 women at this conference, so needless to say I am a bit nervous. Any help
would be great! Thanks...Amber"

1 comment:

noelle said...

remember when we talked about how you should actually bring hats in, relate them to certain people, pile them on top of each other to demonstrate, and then talk about how to prioritize based on god, self, family? it would be important to talk about how mormon women oftentimes forget to prioritize their own needs and therefore end up unhappy and unable to care for others as well as they could or should.