Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pickups Vacation in Tunisia

Chelsea and Eddie recently took a trip with his family to Tunisia. I have to admit, I honestly didn't know a thing about Tunisia except that it was in Africa so it was fun to hear about their vacation. Mom was telling me that when she water skied the men who they rented from were trying to make her take out two skis and trying to tell her what to do. They were all clapping when she got back to shore. Here is what she said about it:

"We had a great vacation! We rode camels in the Sahara, haggled in the market places, Andrew got kissed and cooed at by a lot of strangers. We water skied in the Mediterranean, rode quads thru olive trees, saw lots of stray cats, went to Luke Skywalkers house, went off roading in the Atlas mountains, saw Roman baths, theatres, houses, roads, temples, and mosaics. I was mistaken for Brittany Spears and Shakira.
Arab men have a tendency to stare at blond women, I attracted quite a bit of attention, so I started covering my head when we were in the non tourist areas. A man on the beach asked me how many sisters I had, and was a bit disappointed to find out that you all are married! Everyone in Tunisia smokes, and gas is really cheap!"


noelle said...

andrew is so cute i can hardly stand it.

Anonymous said...

Chels-I just have to say how bad we all feel for you to have to be a world traveller. It is such a tough life.