Monday, May 7, 2007

Doesn't This Kid Ever Smile?

John and Beth, what are you doing to make your child so miserable? It's such a chore to get this kid to give even hint that he MIGHT smile. I think you should take him to a doctor to see what's wrong with him as he's clearly not thriving or developing properly.

P.S. Someone needs to review Spider Man 3 for the blog. I'm not going to haul my kid and a diaper bag to the theater unless it's really worth, any movie with Snaggletooth, I mean Kristen Dunst, needs to be reviewed because she's definitely not a draw, more like a drawback.


Chelsea said...

Does he have a tooth, or is that a reflection from his spit?

Bridget said...

good eye, Chels. He has a tooth!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute...and it is nice to see an entry from a McEuen/Emmett. Does he crawl? Or is he just figuring out how to get his knees up like that?

johnEboy said...

Yes he does have a tooth, it poked through a couple weeks ago and I swear it is already halfway up. He has started to experiment with crawling. He goes backwards at times pretty well and gets up and rocks back and forth a lot. But mostly when he goes forward it is more of a fall forward and then repeat until he gets where he wants.

Beth@seasonsofhome said...

He bit me once with that little tooth! He's getting better at getting around, you can see the crawling idea starting to dawn on him.