Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Latest from Virginia

Life has been a little crazy the last month, we have managed to keep very busy. Greg only has a few weeks left of his program and then after some time off he will be stationed on the USS Roosevelt, an aircraft carrier out of Norfolk. It will be in port until the end of the year getting worked on, but Greg will join it's crew and start work the middle of July. I think he is looking forward to some time off, he has had a million projects and presentations to do the last few months in addition to his regular workload and is in need of some downtime!

Two days ago, Ollie tried to scare us to death by escaping out of the back gate (in pj's and bare feet) and going somewhere more fun like the neighborhood park where someone luckily found him before any harm could come his way. I was just a LITTLE hysterical, but he is fine and we are now taking every precaution to make sure he stays in the house. He is a very clever 18 month old and so cute (most of the time).

We just got a salt water fish tank. I never knew that Greg had always wanted one until last week when he started talking about it and bought one all within a few days. Elena is almost as obsessed with it as Greg; we went to pick out fish last night and she has already named them. floaty, name-it, and scar. These are just "starter" fish, you can guess what that implies. Hopefully they'll live long healthy lives in our tank!

Elena likes to talk about how she has "mommy hair" and is always insisting that she is little while you are really big. She isn't fooled by "big girl" talk. She is always telling us to "be happy" and not sad so I'm passing it on! I think she thinks sad is the same thing as tired, which I always am (pregnancy induced), so that could have something to do with it. I'm not going to lie and say I love being pregnant, but I do love having a sweet new baby and look forward to that!

Love, em


Chelsea said...

That is a great car seat picture!

johnEboy said...

Beth and I love the one with the sleeping animals. Did Elena tell each one a story or are the books just serving as blankets?

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Diet Coke cans...that looks like so much fun. And so typical of a Miller grandchild.

noelle said...

i wish emily lived here so we could actually watch her attempt to handle three kids :).

Anonymous said...

The books serve mainly as blankets- she is very resourceful! and yes, I thought the family especially would enjoy Oliver's game with the coke cans:) as for three kids, we'll just have to wait and see how that goes!! We hope to see you all very soon*