Sunday, August 26, 2007


I know, not many of you care, but I had to add this to the blog. Carl won the Nextel Cup race on Saturday night....This is his second win of the season in the cup series and he is now locked into the chase.

Matt and I are pretty sure that he won because we put up the fathead of his car on our garage wall...see picture. Bridget sent that to us as a joke. We couldn't find a good place for it in the house, so in the garage it went. YAY for Carl (he's so cute)!!!


noelle said...

yay for he's so cute! i can't believe what a good flipper he is.

Chelsea said...

We watched the highlights on it looked like a really good race! YAY he'ssocute!

noelle said...

also, bridget is the bomb for sending you carl's car.

Scott said...

you're right amber...we don't. watching the grass grow in my yard is more exciting. and, yes, I am medicating for it. you ought to try it. you have sorry then. no more ideas here. :)