Thursday, August 9, 2007

I Don't Think I Can Dance

Is anyone else obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance? I know Amber is a SYTYCD lover, and if anyone else loves too it we need to proceed to have a conversation about it. We will know in a mere few hours, but I honestly can't tell you who the final four will be. I do think Sabra and Lacey will make it (why does the only Mormon girl on the show have to come across as a tramp? Why?), but it seems totally up in the air for the boys. Also, does anyone else agree that Benji's wholesomeness/nerdiness/Mormoness is what propelled him to win it last year? And then he let it go to his head and this year we are confronted with this quasi self-congratulatory poser who seems like a complete tool? It's sad really. Sad.

I am really looking forward to, tramps, and all.
P.S. I will just make it public now...I like to fancy myself as an educated critical thinker and somewhat refined in my tastes, however, it appears I am actually some sort of reality TV junkie. I take solace in the fact that I hate American Idol. That doesn't, however, make up for the fact that I love SYTYCD, Dancing with the Stars (I totally called it from the first week with Apollo and Julianne), and Skating with Celebrities. Also, Top Chef is fantastic and when is Project Runway coming back? As for non-reality TV, my favorite shows are The Closer (on TNT - it's amazing), and Brothers & Sisters. I am very upset that Veronica Mars and Arrested Development have been cancelled because those used to be two of the best shows on TV.
P.S.S. I'm now just re-reading this and I am shamed to my core.


Ruben M Garnica said...

Thats pretty funny, it sounds as if you watch quite a bit of TV.

When I was living in Cambridge my roommate watched Big Brother 7-ish (maybe 8 - I don't know) and I got sucked into it. Sort of sad thinking back on it but at the time I was really intersted in what the roommates were going to do next.

Marci said...

You're too funny Noelle! We haven't watched that show this season, but I sympathize with the addiction- it's hard once you get sucked in!! hahaha!

noelle said...

i know, it's like crack on tv. it will probably bring down the entire western civilization and i'm right at the heart of it.

Anonymous said...

You do have an obvious problem...
And yes I watch it too..but I don't think I am quite as crzed. As far as Lacy, well her parents made the mistake of naming her that in the first place. Have you ever known anyone normal with the name Lacy. Anyway, she always looks like a tramp, at least they don't play up the fact that she is a Mormon. My favorie is Neil, hopefully he won't go on Monday.

And is anyone else so excited to have preseason football on!!! It is so great.

noelle said...

preseason football is okay, but it doesn't give you any indication of how good the teams will actually be so i get my hopes up for some teams only to have them crushed during the regular season. i can't wait until the real games begin. i am rooting for miami and san diego this year.

jen said...

Way too much information Noelle. I almost always hate reality tv, however if any of you missed Victoria Beckham Coming to America-it was hilarious! (You can watch it online-I think on ABC or NBC.) I didn't know how I felt about her until I watched that show and I now love her!

jen said...

Oh yeah-I love football and can't wait for the real thing to start. My fave teams are the Eagles, Seahawk, and the Chargers!

Anonymous said...

After reading why did tou not delete it

noelle said...

grandpa! you learned to comment! we are all extremely proud of you.

jen, i am definitely going to check out victoria beckham. the inside scoop on that show was that it was supposed to be a longer running series but she wanted to cut so much stuff out of it because most of what they filmed was of her being completely hideous and her PR people were freaking out that it would to more damage to her reputation. also, she totally has someone in her camp call the paparazzi and tell them where she's going to be so they will come shoot her so she can get into the rags. this isn't an uncommon practice in hollywood but apparently she is the worst offender. don't ask me how i know this, but you can bet your life on it.

Chelsea said...

We don't get So You Think You Can Dance, so I can't comment on your addiction, and we don't get NFL games either, so I've been keeping up thru ESPN! My favorite team is the Eagles!

And I think Victoria Beckham is so funny! She is totally major!

noelle said...

what the hell does "totally major" mean? i'm assuming it's some british vernacular (and not their best work, i might add).

jen said...

totally major is a term they use for rich and fabulous. i don't hink any of us quite reach the richness quota, but when you hear her say it it is funny. i think it's the odd english accent-sorry eddie! also, the show is done with mostly her own camera crew, but there are always papparazzi around

Chelsea said...

I have never heard anyone say "totally major" I think its just VB who uses that phrase!

Marci said...

Exactly what I was thinking Noelle- I was dying laughing at your reply. But I appreciate the clarifications...