Friday, August 17, 2007

So You Think You Can Dress?

Cat Deeley, host of So You Think You Can Dance, stole the show and saved the worst for last night with the abomination...I mean, dress...that she wore on the finale of So You Think You Can Dance. I am so sad it's over for the year, but at least my eyes will stop bleeding from having to look at her hideous outfits each week. Oh, I almost forgot, a girl from Roy, Utah named Sabra won the competition and deservedly so. I scoured the internet to try and find a picture of Cat's dress but could not, so the winner's picture is up instead.


Marci said...

Yeah- we were dying when we saw it! It was so memorable- even Morgan has commented to other fans about how awful it was. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite so horrible- I couldn't believe she agreed to wear it!

Amber said...

it was likea wearing a poop colored tutu around your boobs...who ever thought that was pretty?